• pampas grass

    pampas grass

    Cortaderia selloana
    pampas grass

    pampas grass

    Description:: Cortaderia selloana

    author(s): (only for registered users)

    Added on: 2011-Mär-11

    file size: 486,45 Kb

    File format: .zip

    Downloads: 118

    Rating: 7.0 (1 Vote)

  • palm tree in a pot

    palm tree in a pot

    banana palm tree in a pot
    palm tree in a pot

    palm tree in a pot

    Description:: banana palm tree in a pot

    author(s): (only for registered users)

    Added on: 2007-Mär-23

    file size: 112,54 Kb

    File format: .jpg

    Downloads: 51

    Rating: 7.0 (1 Vote)

  • palm tree

    palm tree

    palm tree in grey with small treetop
    palm tree

    palm tree

    Description:: palm tree in grey with small treetop

    author(s): (only for registered users)

    Added on: 2007-Nov-17

    file size: 392,38 Kb

    File format: .psd

    Downloads: 26

    Rating: 0.0 (0 Votes)

  • palm tree

    palm tree

    palm tree with long trunk and shadow
    palm tree

    palm tree

    Description:: palm tree with long trunk and shadow

    author(s): (only for registered users)

    Added on: 2009-Feb-11

    file size: 6,82 MB

    File format: .psd

    Downloads: 66

    Rating: 10.0 (1 Vote)

  • palm tree

    palm tree

    palm tree with thick trunk
    palm tree

    palm tree

    Description:: palm tree with thick trunk

    author(s): (only for registered users)

    Added on: 2009-Feb-27

    file size: 618,50 Kb

    File format: .psd

    Downloads: 35

    Rating: 6.0 (2 Votes)

  • Pagoda Tree, Styphnolobium japonicum

    Pagoda Tree, Styph...

    Japanese pagodatree, Sophora japonica
    Pagoda Tree, Styphnolobium japonicum

    Pagoda Tree, Styphnolobium japonicum

    Description:: Japanese pagodatree, Sophora japonica

    author(s): (only for registered users)

    Added on: 2008-Mär-07

    file size: 1,19 MB

    File format: .psd

    Downloads: 44

    Rating: 5.0 (1 Vote)

  • Orchid


    White orchid in the pot.


    Description:: White orchid in the pot.

    author(s): (only for registered users)

    Added on: 2012-Jun-09

    file size: 302,23 Kb

    File format: .psd

    Downloads: 10

    Rating: 0.0 (0 Votes)

  • orange tree, top view

    orange tree, top v...

    orange tree with fruit, from above
    orange tree, top view

    orange tree, top view

    Description:: orange tree with fruit, from above

    author(s): (only for registered users)

    Added on: 2007-Nov-17

    file size: 504,68 Kb

    File format: .psd

    Downloads: 49

    Rating: 2.5 (2 Votes)

  • Orange Tree

    Orange Tree

    masked orange tree
    Orange Tree

    Orange Tree

    Description:: masked orange tree

    author(s): (only for registered users)

    Added on: 2011-Mai-26

    file size: 1,75 MB

    File format: .tif

    Downloads: 19

    Rating: 8.0 (1 Vote)

  • orange lilly

    orange lilly

    Blossom without peduncle
    orange lilly

    orange lilly

    Description:: Blossom without peduncle

    author(s): (only for registered users)

    Added on: 2011-Feb-23

    file size: 825,67 Kb

    File format: .psd

    Downloads: 2

    Rating: 0.0 (0 Votes)

  • oak tree, summer, Quercus coccinea

    oak tree, summer, ...

    cocifera oak with full foliage - black and white
    oak tree, summer, Quercus coccinea

    oak tree, summer, Quercus coccinea

    Description:: cocifera oak with full foliage - black and white

    author(s): (only for registered users)

    Added on: 2005-Mär-29

    file size: 285,28 Kb

    File format: .tif

    Downloads: 34

    Rating: 3.0 (1 Vote)

  • oak tree, small

    oak tree, small

    young 2d oak tree
    oak tree, small

    oak tree, small

    Description:: young 2d oak tree

    author(s): (only for registered users)

    Added on: 2011-Jun-25

    file size: 5,33 MB

    File format: .psd

    Downloads: 29

    Rating: 6.0 (1 Vote)

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