round treetop of an ash tree, from above
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file size:
197.07 Kb
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Image file format:
Image size:
330 x 354 pixel (h x w)
License types:
This download is available under the following license terms:
  • Legacy License

    The Legacy License grants the User the following use:

    • To use the content provided solely for private, non-commercial purposes.
    • No transfer, delegation or sub-licensing.

    License terms in detail

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Ratings (18)Ø Rating: 8.00High Rating: 10Low Rating: 1
1 votes (5.6% total votes)0 votes (0.0% total votes)0 votes (0.0% total votes)0 votes (0.0% total votes)0 votes (0.0% total votes)2 votes (11.1% total votes)1 votes (5.6% total votes)5 votes (27.8% total votes)6 votes (33.3% total votes)3 votes (16.7% total votes)

Comments: (11):

Rating: 1

Absoluter Müll. Verpixelt, abgeschnitten und nicht freigestellt. Nie wieder!

Julim2 has at Masked Images 1 objects with a user's average rating 1.0.

Rating: 10

super staffage und gute quali. vielen dank

jule12345 has at Masked Images 1 objects with a user's average rating 10.0.

Rating: 6

Leider kein transparenter Hintergrund, aber sonst okay.

Nachteule has at Masked Images 32 objects with a user's average rating 7.6.

Rating: 8

Gute Verwendbarkeit für Plangrafiken, schöne lichte Transparenz, allerdings wenig markant, vielleicht zu gleichmäßig

Weff632011 has at Masked Images 2 objects with a user's average rating 7.5.

Rating: 8

Ausreichend gut für Maßstäbe bis ca. 1:1000

z2204f has at Masked Images 1 objects with a user's average rating 8.0.

Rating: 9

Nahezu perfekte Baumkrone

Joheck85 has at Masked Images 2 objects with a user's average rating 8.0.

Rating: 8

Sehr gut nutzbar. Vielen Dank.

Bibi09 has at Masked Images 2 objects with a user's average rating 7.5.

Rating: 9

überhaupt nichts dran aus zu setzen,alles super gepasst,gute grafik

g13b has at Masked Images 2 objects with a user's average rating 9.0.

Rating: 10

Sehr exakt

Mahira has at Masked Images 4 objects with a user's average rating 10.0.

Rating: 8

Der Baum war für meine Zwecke gut zu gebrauchen. Saubere Grafik. Gut!

stattplaner has at Masked Images 1 objects with a user's average rating 8.0.

Rating: 8

Schöne Aufsicht - gut zu gebrauchen bis 1:100.

noas has at Masked Images 21 objects with a user's average rating 7.1.

tree, ash, top view

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