fridge aluminium d...
Fridge american style with double doors and ice ma[...]fridge aluminium doors
Description:: Fridge american style with double doors and ice maker
author(s): (only for registered users)
Added on: 2011-May-16
file size: 324.15 Kb
File Type: 3D ArchiCAD Libraries (.gsm)
Downloads: 195
Rating: 10.0 (1 Vote)
Catering: Smooth g...
Catering, S90-system = 90cm wide, for fixing syste[...]Catering: Smooth griddle 40
Description:: Catering, S90-system = 90cm wide, for fixing system, ie, generally without foundation smooth griddle 40
author(s): (only for registered users)
Added on: 2014-Aug-06
file size: 3.40 Kb
File Type: 3D ArchiCAD Libraries (.gsm)
Downloads: 0
Rating: 0.0 (0 Votes)
Catering: 145l boi...
Catering, S90-system = 90cm wide, for fixing syste[...]Catering: 145l boiler
Description:: Catering, S90-system = 90cm wide, for fixing system, ie, generally without foundation boiler 145l
author(s): (only for registered users)
Added on: 2014-Aug-06
file size: 9.29 Kb
File Type: 3D ArchiCAD Libraries (.gsm)
Downloads: 0
Rating: 0.0 (0 Votes)
Catering: Plate, n...
Catering, S90-system = 90cm wide, for fixing syste[...]Catering: Plate, neutral 40
Description:: Catering, S90-system = 90cm wide, for fixing system, ie neutral, generally without base plate
author(s): (only for registered users)
Added on: 2014-Aug-06
file size: 3.21 Kb
File Type: 3D ArchiCAD Libraries (.gsm)
Downloads: 2
Rating: 0.0 (0 Votes)