27 minimum turning...
various minimum turning curves (cars, trucks, buse[...]27 minimum turning curves
Description:: various minimum turning curves (cars, trucks, buses)
author(s): (only for registered users)
Added on: 2014-Mar-07
file size: 181.17 Kb
File Type: 2D AutoCAD Blocks (.dwg or .dxf)
Downloads: 4389
Rating: 8.4 (157 Votes)
Car Tractrix Curve
Tractrix curve, 5m vehicle (car). Maximum angle of[...]Car Tractrix Curve
Description:: Tractrix curve, 5m vehicle (car). Maximum angle of steering lock for parking.
AutoCAD 2006author(s): (only for registered users)
Added on: 2008-Jun-30
file size: 56.63 Kb
File Type: 2D AutoCAD Blocks (.dwg or .dxf)
Downloads: 3413
Rating: 8.3 (147 Votes)
14 2D Humans in To...
14 CAD People for floor plans in top view14 2D Humans in Top Elevation
Description:: 14 CAD People for floor plans in top view
author(s): (only for registered users)
Added on: 2011-Oct-18
file size: 173.51 Kb
File Type: 2D AutoCAD Blocks (.dwg or .dxf)
Downloads: 3211
Rating: 7.6 (87 Votes)
various tractrix c...
All including file with various top, side, front, [...]various tractrix curve of cars including elevations of cars
Description:: All including file with various top, side, front, rear elevations of cars, as well as their tractrix curves, turning areas / curves and parking lots.
author(s): (only for registered users)
Added on: 2011-Feb-02
file size: 3.74 MB
File Type: 2D AutoCAD Blocks (.dwg or .dxf)
Downloads: 3102
Rating: 8.5 (131 Votes)
All truck swept pa...
Swept paths of trucks with 6,9,12 and 18 m length [...]All truck swept path, vehicle path
Description:: Swept paths of trucks with 6,9,12 and 18 m length with a circular radius 8,10,12 and 15m ...
author(s): (only for registered users)
Added on: 2012-Apr-06
file size: 440.52 Kb
File Type: 2D AutoCAD Blocks (.dwg or .dxf)
Downloads: 2724
Rating: 8.5 (89 Votes)
41 Furnitures - ta...
41 different furniture for living blocks.[...]41 Furnitures - tables, chairs, beds, couches and more
Description:: 41 different furniture for living blocks.
Mostly 2Dauthor(s): (only for registered users)
Added on: 2009-Feb-03
file size: 385.94 Kb
File Type: 2D AutoCAD Blocks (.dwg or .dxf)
Downloads: 2519
Rating: 7.8 (78 Votes)
20 different simpl...
20 graphical trees as outline drawings20 different simple trees as elevation
Description:: 20 graphical trees as outline drawings
author(s): (only for registered users)
Added on: 2008-Mar-13
file size: 57.49 Kb
File Type: 2D AutoCAD Blocks (.dwg or .dxf)
Downloads: 2373
Rating: 6.7 (91 Votes)
96 European Trees
96 European Trees, including German Names96 European Trees
Description:: 96 European Trees, including German Names
author(s): (only for registered users)
Added on: 2008-Sep-15
file size: 9.32 MB
File Type: 2D AutoCAD Blocks (.dwg or .dxf)
Downloads: 1901
Rating: 7.9 (97 Votes)
bath and kitchen f...
A small and simple collection of bath and kitchen [...]bath and kitchen furniture
Description:: A small and simple collection of bath and kitchen furniture for floor plans.
AutoCAD 2000/LT2000author(s): (only for registered users)
Added on: 2011-Oct-14
file size: 80.96 Kb
File Type: 2D AutoCAD Blocks (.dwg or .dxf)
Downloads: 1831
Rating: 7.9 (54 Votes)
1100 litre trash bin
1100 litre dumpster / refuse container;[...]1100 litre trash bin
Description:: 1100 litre dumpster / refuse container;
plan and elevationsauthor(s): (only for registered users)
Added on: 2012-Oct-05
file size: 37.01 Kb
File Type: 2D AutoCAD Blocks (.dwg or .dxf)
Downloads: 1509
Rating: 8.5 (52 Votes)
Vegetation, Miscel...
Mostly top elevation, some side elevationsVegetation, Miscellanious Trees and other Plants
Description:: Mostly top elevation, some side elevations
author(s): (only for registered users)
Added on: 2009-Oct-06
file size: 763.51 Kb
File Type: 2D AutoCAD Blocks (.dwg or .dxf)
Downloads: 1430
Rating: 7.7 (38 Votes)
25 Sanitary objects
Toilet, shower, bathtub, whirlpool, urinal, sink, [...]25 Sanitary objects
Description:: Toilet, shower, bathtub, whirlpool, urinal, sink, etc.
author(s): (only for registered users)
Added on: 2014-Jan-18
file size: 27.82 Kb
File Type: 2D AutoCAD Blocks (.dwg or .dxf)
Downloads: 1379
Rating: 7.8 (47 Votes)