By uploading or adding qualified content you will earn CreditPoints. CreditPoints can in return be used to make downloads.
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- Events
Add any kind of architectural event here. This could be e.g. an exhibition or symposium. You can use our list of already known locations to find events, that are missing in our list.
With any qualified entry in the category you will earn up to 2 (more information) CreditPoint(s).
- Architectural Photography
Upload premium photographs of buildings here.
With any qualified upload in the category you will earn 6 to 18 (more information) CreditPoint(s).
- Seminar Papers
Papers with themes relevant for architecture will be accepted in this category.
With any qualified upload in the category you will earn 10 to 50 (more information) CreditPoint(s).
- Textures
Provide textures you have created for visualizations and renderings to other members. These textures could be e.g. flooring material, woods or even greens.
With any qualified upload in the category you will earn 3 to 15 (more information) CreditPoint(s).
- Masked Images
Masked Images are e.g. humans, animals or plants separated from any background. Upload images, that you have masked yourself, here.
With any qualified upload in the category you will earn 8 to 28 (more information) CreditPoint(s).
- CAD Library
In this category CAD and 3D objects are available. These could be e.g cars, furniture or symbols. We distinguish between 2D and 3D objects. In any case we only accept vector based files in this category.
With any qualified upload in the category you will earn 4 to 60 more information) CreditPoint(s).