Stadtlandschaft/Bandstadt/Blockrandbebauung/Zeilenbau/Solitärbau | author(s): Bea Rabkin
Stefan Kummer, Würzburger Residenz | author(s): Jürgen Dr.Bay
study in balance | author(s): Claudius Janser
Tempietto_Donato Bramante | author(s): janett rieke
Temple Expiatori de la Sagrada Família | author(s): Julia Simon
The Chicago School of Architecture - form follows function | author(s): Lukas Mertens
The Typology of the Laweyan Craftsmen House: An Analysis Based on Form and Function | author(s): B Hernowo
Theater der Antike | author(s): Thorsten Rakow
Theaterplatz Dresden | author(s): Manuel Franz
Türkische Nationaldenkmäler | author(s): Metin Salcan
Umnutzung _ Burg Juval | author(s): Stefanie Helmke
Unite de Habitation - Le Corbusier | author(s): Magdalena Schwarz
Villa Barbaro | author(s): Stefan Künnemann
Villa Poiana | author(s): Lukas Mertens
Villa Savoye | author(s): Susanne Werner
Villa Tugendhat, Bauliche Veränderungen im Laufe der Zeit | author(s): Michael Iberer
Von der „Steinernen Stadt“ zur „Stadtlandschaft“ – Die Entwicklung des Hansaviertels | author(s): till naumann
Vorbild Triumphbögen oder Pantheon? | author(s): Jürgen Dr.Bay