The Typology of the Laweyan Craftsmen House: An Analysis Based on Form and Function | author(s): B Hernowo
Schönbrunn | author(s): Claudia Hitzwebel
Berliner Philharmonie Hans Scharoun 1960 | author(s): Julia Faßhauer
Le Corbusier - St. Dié | author(s): Tina Becker
Kommentar zu: Das moderne Landhaus | author(s): cyrill chretien
Le Corbusier - Biografie | author(s): Timo Knauer
Die Domkuppel von Florenz des Brunelleschi | author(s): Sven Oliver Dombek
Stadtlandschaft/Bandstadt/Blockrandbebauung/Zeilenbau/Solitärbau | author(s): Bea Rabkin
Referat über die Van Nelle Ontwerpfabriek | author(s): Carina Klotz
Le Corbusier - Möbel | author(s): Carla Pfeiffer
Temple Expiatori de la Sagrada Família | author(s): Julia Simon
Oscar Niemeyer - Eine lebende Legende und Vorbild | author(s): viktor schulz
Stadtbaugeschichte Köln | author(s): Lars Gehendges
S.Andrea, Mantova | author(s): Jürgen Dr.Bay
Entwurfsprinzipien Bramante | author(s): Kirsten riegner
Hausarbeit Historische Bauforschung;Becherhaus | author(s): katja holland
Caracalla-Therme | author(s): Fabio von Arx
China, Architecture in the 80s | author(s): Marc Strob
Schulbau im 19. Jahrhundert | author(s): Felicitas Nickel
Rezension - ‚O. R. Salvisberg - Die andere Moderne’ | author(s): marie poth
Die Karolingische Renaissance | author(s): Stephen Heiser
Villa Savoye | author(s): Susanne Werner
München Ludwigsstraße | author(s): Carina Kleinecke
Barcelona Pavillon - Ludwig Mies v.d. Rohe | author(s): Carolin Flohr
Die Darstellung des himmlischen Jerusalem in der Architektur | author(s): Karen Ishikawa
Hamburger Bahnhof | author(s): Birgit Rader
Indigo Jones - Queens House | author(s): Olesja Zajer
Berninis Cappella Cornaro | author(s): veronika zdravcheva
Le Corbusier - Villa Sextant bei Les Mathes | author(s): Jascha Chmiel
Louis Kahn | author(s): Jascha Chmiel
Ludwig Mies van der Rohe | author(s): Jascha Chmiel