41 Furnitures - tables, chairs, beds, couches and more

41 Furnitures - tables, chairs, beds, couches an...

41 different furniture for living blocks.
Mostly 2D
(only for registered users)
file size:
385.94 Kb
File format:
File Type:
2D AutoCAD Blocks (.dwg or .dxf)
File version:
AutoCAD 2004/2005/2006
Object Type:
2D Furniture
License types:
This download is available under the following license terms:
  • Legacy License

    The Legacy License grants the User the following use:

    • To use the content provided solely for private, non-commercial purposes.
    • No transfer, delegation or sub-licensing.

    License terms in detail

Start download
Ratings (78)Ø Rating: 7.83High Rating: 10Low Rating: 2
0 votes (0.0% total votes)1 votes (1.3% total votes)2 votes (2.6% total votes)0 votes (0.0% total votes)6 votes (7.7% total votes)3 votes (3.8% total votes)12 votes (15.4% total votes)29 votes (37.2% total votes)11 votes (14.1% total votes)14 votes (17.9% total votes)

Comments: (36):

Rating: 10

Sehr gut!!!

Dragomira has at CAD Objects and Libraries 15 objects with a user's average rating 10.0.

Rating: 9

gute Auswahl

eiback has at CAD Objects and Libraries 18 objects with a user's average rating 8.1.

Rating: 9

Tolle "Pick-Box" zum schnellen gestalten.

Spitzlei has at CAD Objects and Libraries 1 objects with a user's average rating 9.0.

Rating: 8

Schlicht und einfach! Wie es für eine Ausführungszeichnung sein sollte.

GiseSchl has at CAD Objects and Libraries 2 objects with a user's average rating 7.5.

Rating: 10

Lots of different options, easy to open, and i really like the designs.

norabeasley has at CAD Objects and Libraries 2 objects with a user's average rating 9.0.

Rating: 8


Dangerous88 has at CAD Objects and Libraries 3 objects with a user's average rating 7.3.

Rating: 9

Gute und vielseitige Auswahl

JBKleingmbh has at CAD Objects and Libraries 2 objects with a user's average rating 9.0.

Rating: 8

Gute Auswahl, Danke!

StudySteffi has at CAD Objects and Libraries 1 objects with a user's average rating 8.0.

Rating: 10

Tolle auswahl

cboki has at CAD Objects and Libraries 1 objects with a user's average rating 10.0.

Rating: 10

thanxx for this amazing stuff

akki has at CAD Objects and Libraries 2 objects with a user's average rating 10.0.

Rating: 8

nette Auswahl

karnuec has at CAD Objects and Libraries 2 objects with a user's average rating 7.0.

Rating: 7

Schöne Auswahl, Danke!

Elmiplan has at CAD Objects and Libraries 5 objects with a user's average rating 6.8.

Rating: 8

Hat geholfen.

TB2012 has at CAD Objects and Libraries 2 objects with a user's average rating 6.5.

Rating: 8

War sehr hilfreich

architoni has at CAD Objects and Libraries 1 objects with a user's average rating 8.0.

Rating: 8

Diese Datei entsprach meinen Erwartungen.

g-sucher has at CAD Objects and Libraries 11 objects with a user's average rating 7.1.

Rating: 8

Diese Datei entsprach meinen Erwartungen.

g-sucher has at CAD Objects and Libraries 11 objects with a user's average rating 7.1.

Rating: 9

Wunderbar, Danke

lisalotte has at CAD Objects and Libraries 1 objects with a user's average rating 9.0.

Rating: 10

Hat mir sehr geholfen. Danke

monster789 has at CAD Objects and Libraries 5 objects with a user's average rating 8.6.

Rating: 7

Die Auswahl an verschiedenen Möbeln hat mir sehr geholfen und die Zeichnungsqualität war durchweg gut, kann sehr gut eingesetzt werden, vielen Dank!

projectdrei has at CAD Objects and Libraries 4 objects with a user's average rating 5.8.

Rating: 5

An Gradlinigkeit und Einfachheit nicht zu überbieten. Nur für wirklich rein technische Pläne zu gebrauchen.

riccardo has at CAD Objects and Libraries 1 objects with a user's average rating 5.0.

Rating: 7

Wer Probleme beim Öffnen der ZIP hat, soll es mal mit SuffitExpander oder einem anderen kostenlosen Programm versuchen. Damit dürfte es gehen.

Samsarah has at CAD Objects and Libraries 1 objects with a user's average rating 7.0.

Rating: 6

Der Download diente zu Informationszwecken, ich habe die einzelnen Elemente in den Illustrator importiert und angesehen. Die Elemente sind meiner Meinung nach, wenn sie in exakt dieser Form benötigt werden, gut einsetzbar.

rhoenline has at CAD Objects and Libraries 1 objects with a user's average rating 6.0.

Rating: 5

ging leider nicht zu öffen....

nicoletuegel has at CAD Objects and Libraries 2 objects with a user's average rating 6.5.

Rating: 2

bestimmt gute Zeichnungnen, konnte sie aber leider nicht öffnen, bzw. entpacken.

Borni has at CAD Objects and Libraries 1 objects with a user's average rating 2.0.

Rating: 10

Mehr als ausreichendes Mobiliar

floxan has at CAD Objects and Libraries 1 objects with a user's average rating 10.0.

Rating: 8

Die Zeichnungsqualität war durchweg gut. Z. T. musste man die Zeichnung noch geringfügig etwas bearbeiten. Danke für den Service! Euer Architectix

architectix has at CAD Objects and Libraries 1 objects with a user's average rating 8.0.

Rating: 7

schicht aber korrekt

alexeick has at CAD Objects and Libraries 2 objects with a user's average rating 7.0.

Rating: 8


sohnalex has at CAD Objects and Libraries 2 objects with a user's average rating 8.0.

Rating: 10

Die Auswahl an verschiedenen Möbeln hat mir sehr geholfen vielen vielen dank :)

saadet has at CAD Objects and Libraries 1 objects with a user's average rating 10.0.

Rating: 3

Konnte die Dateien nur teilweise öffnen. Die Objekte an sich konnte ich nicht gebrauchen.

sweety670 has at CAD Objects and Libraries 2 objects with a user's average rating 2.0.

Rating: 9


harmless-kitty has at CAD Objects and Libraries 1 objects with a user's average rating 9.0.

Rating: 7

Leider sind die Blöcke für die Betten in ACad-Versionen gezeichnet, die ich nicht lesen kann. Ansonsten kann man gut mit den Blöcken arbeiten.

Danzol has at CAD Objects and Libraries 1 objects with a user's average rating 7.0.

Rating: 7

Gute Auswahl an Sesseln und Tischen. Einfache Grafik.

schruty has at CAD Objects and Libraries 4 objects with a user's average rating 6.8.

Rating: 10

Die Möbel haben mein Projekt verschönert . Danke

Christoph1982 has at CAD Objects and Libraries 2 objects with a user's average rating 10.0.

Rating: 8

danke... viel auswahl, gute arbeit!!!

K13mm3 has at CAD Objects and Libraries 2 objects with a user's average rating 9.0.

Rating: 6

Der Windows eigene Entpacker kann idese ZIP Datei nicht öffen. Alle anderen Programme haben scheinbar kein Problem damit!

Florian has at CAD Objects and Libraries 9 objects with a user's average rating 6.7.

41 Furnitures - tables, chairs, beds, couches and more

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