Ms. Jana Greve
Born in 1980 | female | master
Information to this profile
latest updated on: 08.03.2007
Areas of application
Short profile
Language skills
Russisch - Grundkenntnisse
Chinesisch - Grundkenntnisse
Französisch - Grundkenntnisse
Englisch und Fachenglisch - Gut
Education history
07.07.2000 Allgemeine Hochschulreife
07/2000 - 02/2001 verschiedene Praktika in der Baubranche
03/2001 - 08/2001 Bauingenieurwesenstudium, FH Lübeck
09/2001 - 08/2004 Architekturstudium, Bachelor,Hochschule Wismar
09/2003 - 01/2004 Praktikum, Architekturbüro Dr. Männich
09/2004 - 01/2007 Architekturstudium, Master, Hochschule Wismar
03/2006 - 08/2006 Auslandssemester in China, DAAD Stipendium
Curiculum Vitae (supplement information)
keine Angaben
Experience and references
keine Angaben
Work experience in the following work phases
0 - competition/ studies
1- basic evaluation
5 - implementation planning
6 - participation in award of contract
7 - participation in award of contract
Special skills and additional qualifications
Sicherer Umgang mit CAD- & Layoutprogrammen
-schnelle Auffassungsgabe
Software skills
CAD software
ArchiCAD - Basics
AutoCAD - Exellent
3D software
3D StudioMax - Basics
Graphik and video editing software
Adobe Acrobat - good
Adobe Illustrator - Exellent
Adobe InDesign - Exellent
Adobe Photoshop - Exellent
Tendering and project controlling software
Additional qualifications
No portfolio was added to this profile so far.
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