Mr. Pál Lamanda jr.
Born in 1977 | male | diploma
Information to this profile
latest updated on: 18.02.2007
Areas of application
Freelance (project based)
Short profile
Language skills
Education history
Abitur 1999
Auslandstudium Italien 04/05
Diplom 2006
Curiculum Vitae (supplement information)
keine Angaben
Experience and references
Hiwi am Lehstuhl Prof. Mäckler, Uni Dortmund
Mitarbeit bei Arch. Roberto Della Giacoma in Mogliano/Venezia
Aktuell: Angestellter in Architekturbüro
Work experience in the following work phases
4 - approval planning
5 - implementation planning
Special skills and additional qualifications
professioneller Umgang mit ArchiCAD 10 Teamwork, auch 3D und Rendering mit LightWorks, bestens im Team, sehr kommunikativ
Software skills
CAD software
ADT (AutoCAD Architectual Desktop) - Basics
ArchiCAD - Expert
AutoCAD - Basics
Nemetschek Allplan - Basics
3D software
3D StudioMax - Basics
Cinema 4D - Basics
Graphik and video editing software
Adobe Acrobat - Exellent
Adobe Illustrator - Basics
Adobe InDesign - Exellent
Adobe Photoshop - Exellent
Tendering and project controlling software
Additional qualifications
Office - sehr gut
Windows - sehr gut
Apple MacOS X - gut
HTML - gut
RIB Arriba CA3D - gut
GDL - etwas
No portfolio was added to this profile so far.
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