• Chainlink fence

    Chainlink fence

    Fence, chain
    Chainlink fence

    Chainlink fence

    Description:: Fence, chain

    author(s): (only for registered users)

    Added on: 2009-Mai-19

    file size: 850,25 Kb

    File format: .tif

    Downloads: 44

    Rating: 9.00 (3 Votes)

  • Clay


    clay texture


    Description:: clay texture

    author(s): (only for registered users)

    Added on: 2013-Okt-08

    file size: 487,64 Kb

    File format: .jpg

    Downloads: 23

    Rating: 0.00 (0 Votes)

  • Concrete acidified, beige colored

    Concrete acidified...

    Procedural, tileable texture in Photoshop the colo[...]
    Concrete acidified, beige colored

    Concrete acidified, beige colored

    Description:: Procedural, tileable texture in Photoshop the colors beige.
    High-resolution structural concrete example for facade details / details.

    Visit my profile for all colors and more textures.

    author(s): (only for registered users)

    Added on: 2012-Mai-25

    file size: 6,01 MB

    File format: .jpg

    Downloads: 10

    Rating: 0.00 (0 Votes)

  • copper green-gray

    copper green-gray

    Copper green gray
    copper green-gray

    copper green-gray

    Description:: Copper green gray

    author(s): (only for registered users)

    Added on: 2006-Nov-06

    file size: 56,45 Kb

    File format: .jpg

    Downloads: 54

    Rating: 0.00 (0 Votes)

  • Corrugated iron

    Corrugated iron

    Texture of a corrugated sheet of iron in plan
    Corrugated iron

    Corrugated iron

    Description:: Texture of a corrugated sheet of iron in plan

    author(s): (only for registered users)

    Added on: 2004-Apr-30

    file size: 1,21 Kb

    File format: .jpg

    Downloads: 449

    Rating: 8.00 (6 Votes)

  • Corrugated iron

    Corrugated iron

    Corrugated iron

    Corrugated iron

    Description:: white

    author(s): (only for registered users)

    Added on: 2007-Apr-26

    file size: 605,20 Kb

    File format: .jpg

    Downloads: 62

    Rating: 8.00 (2 Votes)

  • Croco


    Texture imitation leather


    Description:: Texture imitation leather

    author(s): (only for registered users)

    Added on: 2008-Jun-03

    file size: 282,32 Kb

    File format: .jpg

    Downloads: 11

    Rating: 7.00 (1 Vote)

  • Dark brown leather

    Dark brown leather

    tileable leather texture
    Dark brown leather

    Dark brown leather

    Description:: tileable leather texture

    author(s): (only for registered users)

    Added on: 2009-Sep-16

    file size: 195,07 Kb

    File format: .jpg

    Downloads: 17

    Rating: 0.00 (0 Votes)

  • dark fabric seamless texture

    dark fabric seamle...

    Dark grey mottled seamless texture
    dark fabric seamless texture

    dark fabric seamless texture

    Description:: Dark grey mottled seamless texture

    author(s): (only for registered users)

    Added on: 2014-Mär-07

    file size: 1,47 MB

    File format: .jpg

    Downloads: 5

    Rating: 0.00 (0 Votes)

  • Decorative perforated sheet

    Decorative perfora...

    Alpha channel texture for decorative perforated sh[...]
    Decorative perforated sheet

    Decorative perforated sheet

    Description:: Alpha channel texture for decorative perforated sheet No. 152 (MEVACO). Can be used for any other perforated surface.

    author(s): (only for registered users)

    Added on: 2005-Mär-01

    file size: 1,17 MB

    File format: .tif

    Downloads: 26

    Rating: 10.00 (1 Vote)

  • Doormat


    Brown lightly trodden doormat with brass frame


    Description:: Brown lightly trodden doormat with brass frame

    author(s): (only for registered users)

    Added on: 2009-Aug-13

    file size: 123,47 Kb

    File format: .jpg

    Downloads: 3

    Rating: 0.00 (0 Votes)

  • dry clay

    dry clay

    dry clay soil with cracks
    dry clay

    dry clay

    Description:: dry clay soil with cracks

    author(s): (only for registered users)

    Added on: 2006-Mär-05

    file size: 169,54 Kb

    File format: .jpg

    Downloads: 36

    Rating: 4.50 (2 Votes)

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